Thursday, September 3, 2009

Market Yourself

After working with eHow for a little bit over a month now, I am learning about the benefits of marketing yourself on the Internet. This is something I never have thought about before, but am realizing that if you don't market yourself, no one else will do it for you. My other blog site, I have been mainly using for personal thoughts and keeping a journal of happenings in my life. I thought I should leave the ads off of it and go ahead and set up what I hope to be a marketing tool for our adventures in writing for fun and profit on the Internet. There are so many easy money sites on the Internet, some better than others. So far I am happy with eHow though I know there are a lot of others out there that may disagree with me. But who do you choose to write for? If you Google "how to make money writing" You will be given search results in 0.14 seconds with 76,300,000 results. If that's not enough to confuse you, then I don't know what it would take.
Anyway, we chose eHow for our first venture in writing articles and plan to stick with it for a long time. So far after starting at the end of July we have made $23.76 and in September, already $1.00.
So this blog is going to be my marketing place, a place for ads and hopefully many more "easy money" ventures on the Internet. And I hope a place to share knowledge that I and others are willing to share with visitors who pass by.

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